BraveryCord App

The app to keep track of the digital version of your BraveryCord.

The app is available for both Apple and Android devices.

This new application enables you to virtually string your BraveryCord. And there is more. You can easily find the meaning of each bead and you can check your timeline to see when you’ve earned new beads.

In the app, it’s easy and simple to remember which beads you already have and in which order you received them. You’re also one click away from sharing your BraveryCord with friends. In addition, counting your beads becomes a piece of cake and you have the possibility of making notes for each bead.

BraveryCord app on App Store

BraveryCord app on Google Play

Please see our FAQ page if you have a question about the BraveryCord app.

Here, you can add a bead.

Here, you can see how many of each of the beads there are on your BraveryCord.

Here, you can see your BraveryCord as a rolled-up spiral. Tap on one of the beads for more information about that bead.

Here, you can see your BraveryCord as a timeline. Tap on one of the beads for more information about that bead.

Here, you can read more about the BraveryCord.

Here, you can check the meaning of every bead.

Via the main menu, you can check the meaning of all beads.

Start a new BraveryCord, add beads.

The BraveryCord as a spiral or a timeline. Which beads do you have?

Share the BraveryCord or one separate bead with friends.
